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Decolonising Scientific Writing for Africa

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When it comes to scientific communication, language matters. Jantjies (2016) demonstrates how language matters when it comes to STEM education: students perform better when taught mathematics in their home language. Language matters, in scientific communication, in how it can dehumanise the people it chose to study - Robyn Humphreys, at the #LanguageMatters seminar at UCT Heritage 2020, noted the following “During the continent’s colonial past, language – including scientific language – was used to control and subjugate and justify marginalisation and invasive research practices”.

The ability of science being discussed in local indigenous languages not only has the ability to reach more people who do not speak English as a first language, it also has the ability to integrate the facts and methods of science into cultures that have been denied it in the past. As sociology professor Kwesi Kwaa Prah put it in a 2007 report to the Foundation for Human Rights in South Africa, “Without literacy in the languages of the masses, science and technology cannot be culturally-owned by Africans. Africans will remain mere consumers, incapable of creating competitive goods, services and value-additions in this era of globalization.” (Prah, Kwesi Kwaa, 2007). When science becomes "foreign" or something non-African, when one has to assume another identity just to theorize and practice science, it's a subjugation of the mind - mental colonization.

There is a substantial amount of distrust in science, in particular by many black South Africans who can cite many examples of how it has been abused for oppression in the past. In addition, the communication and education of science was weaponized by the oppressive apartheid government in South Africa, and that has left many seeds of distrust in citizens who only experience science being discussed in English.

Through government-funded efforts, European derived Languages such as Afrikaans, English, French, and Portuguese, have been used as vessels of science, but African indigenous languages have not been given the same treatment. Modern digital tools like machine learning offer new, low-cost opportunities for scientific terms and ideas to be communicated in African indigenous languages.

During the COVID19 pandemic, many African governments did not communicate about COVID19 in the most wide-spread languages in their country. ∀ et al (2020) demonstrated the difficulty in translating COVID19 surveys since the only data that was available to train the models was religious data. Furthermore, they noted that scientific words did not exist in the respective African languages.

Thus, we propose to build a multilingual scientific parallel corpora of African research, by translating African papers released on AfricArxiv into multiple African languages.

Use cases:
  • A machine translation tool for AfricArxiv to aid translation of their research to and from African languages
  • Terminology developed will be submitted to respective boards for addition to official language glossaries for further improvements to scientific communication
  • A machine translation tool for African universities to ensure accessibility of their publications
  • A machine translation tool for scientific journalists to assist in widely distributing their work on the African continent
  • More generally, the datasets developed would be a welcome addition

The selection of languages for this grant was based on the following factors:
  • Prevalence of usage of the languages in question
  • Existing relationships with co-ordinators, trusted translation partners, journalists and linguists for the languages in the Masakhane community
  • The lack of existing open-source translation data in non-religious contexts
  • The geographic diversity of the languages to be representative of the continent

Based on the above, we have selected the following 6 languages: Zulu, Northern Sotho, Yoruba, Hausa, Luganda, Amharic.

Read the full project description at masakhane.io/ongoing-projects/masakhane-mt-decolonise-science


Recent Submissions

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    Ki wọ́n jẹ́ kí obìnrin kópa lásìkò tí wọ́n bá ń ṣiṣẹ́ àti tí wọ́n bá ń dán àwọn àgbàdo tí ó lè fara da ọ̀gbẹlẹ̀ wò
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Ipa tí ó lápẹẹrẹ ni àwọn obìnrin ń kó nínú pípèsè ohun-ọ̀gbìn àti ìdáàbòò oúnjẹ jíjẹ nínú ilé. Àmọ́ ṣá, ìkópa àwọn obìnrin nínú ìsedánwò àwọn ẹ̀rọ tí wọ́n pèsè fún ohun-ọ̀gbìn nínú-oko kéré. Nínú ìwádìí yìí, a lo àtòjọ-ìbéèrè tó ní ètò láti gba dátà, wọ́n fún àwọn àgbẹ̀ obìnrin 80 nínú ìṣedánwò àgbàdo tí ó lè fara da ọ̀gbẹlẹ (DT)̀ ní ilẹ̀ Pápá Southern Guinea (SGS) Ajẹmọ́-ohun-ọ̀gbìn ojú ọjọ́ Ẹkùn ti Nigeria. Ìwádìí náà fi hàn pé gbogbbo àwọn àgbẹ̀ obìnrin náà ni wọ́n ti lọ́kọ, bíi 23% wọn ni wọn kò lọ ilé-ìwé rárá, tí ìgbèdéke ọjọ́-orí wọn sì tó ẹni ọdún 43. Ní gbogbo àwọn ìbùdó ni àwọn àgbẹ̀ obìnrin ti gbé ẹ̀yà àgbàdo DT sí ipò tí ó dára jùlọ. Fún ìdí èyí a gbà á níyànjú pé kí àwọn àgbẹ̀ obìnrin máa kópa nínu ṣíṣe ìgbéǹde àti ìdánwo ráńpẹ́ fún àwọn òye tuntun lẹ́nu iṣẹ́ ohun ọ̀gbìn láti rí dájú pé ààbò wà fún oúnjẹ kí wọn ó sì ní ìdàgbàsókè ọlọ́jọ́ pípẹ́ nípasẹ̀ ìpèsè ìrànwọ́ fún iṣẹ́ ohun ọ̀gbìn.
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    Fakani abalimi besifazane uma kuthuthukiswa futhi kuhlolwa ummbila omelana nesomiso
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Abesifazane badlala indima ebonakalo kwezolimo nasekuphepheni kokudla. Nokho, ukubandakanyeka kwabesifazane ekuhlolweni kwasemapulazini kobuchwepheshe bezolimo kuphansi. Kulolu cwaningo, ulwazi luqoqwe ngohlu lwemibuzo ehlelwe kahle yanikwa abesifazane abangabalimi abawu-80 ohlelweni lwasemapulazini lokubheka ummbila okwazi ukumelana nesomiso(DT) eNingizimu neSavannah yaseGini(SGS) indawo ebekelwe ezolimo eNayjeriya. Ucwaningo luveze ukuthi bonke abalimi besifazane bashadile, u-23% wabo awuyanga esikoleni nokuthi iminyaka yabo ihamba ko-43. Abalimi besifazane babeke loluhlobo lommbila (DT) njengoluyikhethelo kuzo zonke izindawo. Ngkho ke, kuyalwa ukuthi abalimi besifazane kumele babe yingxenye yokuthuthukiswa nokuhlolwa kobuchwepheshe bezolimo ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuphepha kokudla kube nokukhula kahle ngokusimama emikhiqizweni yezolimo.
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    Matasan Afirka ta Kudu masu HIV da ƙananan CD4 suna da haɗarin kamuwa da cutar daji
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Mun haɗa da daidaikun mutane masu shekaru 15 zuwa 24 daga binciken Match na Cutar Kanjamau na Afirka ta Kudu, babban ƙungiyar da ta samo asali daga alaƙa tsakanin ma'aunin dakin gwaje-gwaje masu alaƙa da HIV daga Sabis na Laboratory Health na Ƙasa da kuma bayanan daga rajistar cutar kansa ta ƙasa. Mun ƙididdige yawan faruwan na mafi yawan nau’ikan cutur daji. Mun kimanta alaqa tsakanin waɗannan cututtukan daji da jinsi, shekaru, shekarar kalanda, da ƙididdigar ƙwayoyin CD4 ta amfani da samfuran Cox da daidaita ma'aunin haɗari (aHR).
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    Abavubuka b’e South Afirika abalina HIV ne CD4 entono bali mu bulabe obw’amaanyi obw’okufuna kookolo
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Twateekamu abantu ab’emyaka 15 ku 24 okuva mu South African HIV Cancer Match study, nga kino kibinja ekinene ekyava mu nkolagana wakati w’ebipimo by’amagezeserezo agakwata ku HIVokuva mu National Health Laboratory Services n’ebiwandiiko okuva mu National Cancer Registry. Twabala emiwendo gy’abafuna ebika bya kookolo ebisinga okulabika. Twekenneenya obukwatane wakati wa kookolo ono n’ekikula, emyaka, omwaka, n’omuwendo gw’obutaffaali bwa CD4 nga tukozesa enkola za Cox n’omuwendo gw’obulabe (aHR).
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    Baswa ba Afrika Borwa bao ba nago le HIV le dikelo tša fase tša CD4 ba kotsing ya godimo ya kankere
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Re akareditše batho ba mengwaga ye 15 go fihla go 24 go tšwa go dinyakišišo tša South African HIV Cancer Match, e lego sehlopha se segolo seo se hlotšwego ke kamano magareng ga dikelo tša laporathori tše di amanago le HIV go tšwa go National Health Laboratory Services le dipego tša go tšwa go National Cancer Registry. Re šomišitše khomphutha go hwetša dikelo tša ditiragalo go bontši bja dikankere tše di tlwaelegilego. Re lekotše dikamano magareng ga dikankere tše le bong, mengwaga, ngwaga wa khalentara, le kelo ya disele tša CD4 ka tšhomišo ya dimmotlolo tša Cox le dikelo tše di beakantšwego tša dikotsi (aHR).
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    Àwọn ọ̀dọ́ orílẹ̀-èdè South Africa tí ó ní HIV àti CD4 tó kéré súmọ́ ewu àtiní jẹjẹrẹ gidi gan-an.
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    A ṣàfikún ọjọ́-orí 15 sí 24 nínú ìwádìí àpawọ́pọ̀ṣe lórí HIV àti jẹjẹrẹ ní orílẹ̀-èdè South Africa, ẹ̀gbé tó tóbi tí ó jẹ́ àyọrísí ìsopọ̀ láàrin òsùwon àyẹ̀wò ajẹmọ́-HIV láti ilé-iṣẹ́ ibùdó àyẹ̀wò ètò-ìlera àpapọ̀ orílẹ̀-èdè àti ibùdó àpapọ̀ àkọsílẹ̀ ìṣẹ̀lẹ̀ jẹjẹrẹ. A ṣàkọsílẹ̀ ìṣẹ̀lẹ̀ àwọn jẹjẹrẹ tí ó wọ́pọ̀ jùlọ. A wo ìkanra láàrin àwọn jẹjẹrẹ náà àti ẹ̀yà-ìbí, ọdún ìbí, àti iye kuulu-ẹ̀jẹ̀ CD4 pẹ̀lú ìṣàmúlò módẹ́ẹ̀lì Cox àti òṣùwòn alátúntò ásáàdì (aHR).
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    Intsha yaseNingizimu Afrika ene-HIV nesibalo samasosha e-CD4 aphansi isengcupheni yokuthola umdlavuza.
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Sifake abaneminyaka ewu-15 kuya ku-24 abavela ocwaningweni lwe-South African HIV Cancer Match, iqoqo elikhulu elivela ekuxhumaneni kwezilinganiso ezivela kumalaborethri ahambisana ne-HIV avela e-National Health Laboratory Services namarekhodi ase-National Cancer Registry(Inqolobane yomdlavuza). Siqoqele ndawonye ukuvela kwemidlavuza ejwayelekile. Sihlolisise ukuhlangana phakathi kwalemidlavuza nocansi, iminyaka, unyaka, nesibalo samasosha e-CD4 ngamamodeli e-Cox nama-adjusted hazard ratios (aHR).
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    Masu binciken sun ce ƙwayar cutar ta COVID-19 na iya sauyawa a hankali, ta sa ci gaban rigakafin cikin sauƙi
    (2023-10-02) ST Communication
    Annobar cutar COVID-19 tana ci gaba da taɓarɓarewa tun farkonta a ƙarshen watan Nuwamban na shekarar 2019 a birnin Wuhan na ƙasar Sin. Fahimtar da kuma sa-ido a kan yadda ƙwayar halittar ƙwayar cutar take faruwa, yanaye-yanayenta na wuri, da kwanciyar tsayuwarta yana da matuƙar muhimmanci, musamman wajen daƙile yaɗuwar cutar musamman ga samar da allurar rigakafi ta duniya da take rufe dukkan nau’o’in da suke yawo. Daga wannan ra’ayi, mun bincika cikakkun ilahirin ƙwayoyin gadon SARS-CoV-2 guda 30,983 daga ƙasashe 79 da ke cikin nahiyoyi shida kuma muka tattara daga 24 ga watan Disamba 2019, zuwa 13 ga Mayu 2020, bisa ga rumbun bayanan GISAID. Bincikenmu ya nuna kasancewar ɓangarorin rukunoni 3206, tare da rarraba iri ɗaya na sauyi a yankuna daban-daban. Abin sha’awa shi ne, an lura da ƙarancin maimaituwar sauyi; sauyi guda 169 kawai ne (kashi 5.27%) suka sami yaɗuwa fiye da kashi 1% na ilahirin ƙwayoyin gadon. Duk da haka, an gano sauye-sauye goma sha huɗu waɗanda ba a san su ba (> 10%) a wurare daban-daban tare da ilahirin ƙwayoyin gadon ƙwayar cutar; takwas a cikin ORF1ab polyprotein (a cikin nsp2, nsp3, yankin transmembrane, RdRp, helicase, exonuclease, da endoribonuclease), uku a cikin furotin nucleocapsid, kuma ɗaya a cikin kowane sinadaran guda uku: Spike, ORF3a, da kuma ORF8. Haka kuma, an gano sauye guda 36 da ba a san su ba a cikin yankin muhimmin ɓangaren ƙwayar cuta (RBD) na furotin mai kauri tare da ƙarancin yaɗuwa (<1%) a duk nau’o’in ƙwayoyin gadon, waɗanda huɗu ne kawai za su iya haɓaka ɗaurin SARS-CoV- 2 furotin mai kauri ga mai karɓar ACE2 na ɗan’adam. Waɗannan sakamakon tare da bambance-bambancen juyin ƙwayoyin gado na SARS-CoV-2 suna iya nuna cewa ba kamar ƙwayar cutar mura ko ƙwayoyin cutar HIV ba, SARS-CoV-2 yana da ƙarancin sauyi wanda yake ba da yiwuwar haɓaka ingantaccen rigakafin duniya.
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    Abanoonyereza bagamba nti akawuka ka COVID-19 kasobola okukyukakyuka mpolampola, ekyanguya omulimu gw’okukola eddagala erikagema.
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Nawookeera wa COVID-19 agenze mu maaso okuva lwe yabalukawo ku nkomerero y’Ogwekkuminoogumu gwa 2019 mu Wuhan, China. Okutegeera n’okulondoola enkyukakyuka mu ndagabutonde ez’akawuka, enkalira zaako mu bwebungulule n’obutebenkevu bwako bya mugaso nnyo mu kutangira ensaasaana y’endwadde naddala mu kukola eddagala ttaba erigema erikola ku bika byonna ebisaasaana. Mu ngeri eno, twekaliriza endagabutonde 30,983 eza SARS-CoV-2 enzijuvu okuva mu mawanga 79 agasangibwa mu ssemazinga mukaaga era ezaakuŋŋaanyizibwa okuva nga 24 Ogwekkumineebiri 2019, okutuusa nga 13 Ogwokutaano 2020, okusinziira ku tterekero lya GISAID. Okwekaliriza kwaffe kwayoleka okubaawo kw’ebifo eby’enjawulo 3206, nga birina ensaasaana y’ebika by’endagabutonde ez’enjawulo efaanagana mu bitundu eby’enjawulo. Mu ngeri ey’enjawulo, emirundi gy’obweyolesi egya wansi mu nkyukakyuka gizuuliddwa; enkyukakyuka 169 (5.27%) gyokka gye gyalina obweyolesi obusukka ekitundu 1% mu ndagabutonde. Newankubadde nga kiri kityo, enkyukakyuka kkumi na nnya ezitafaanagana (>10%) zizuuliddwa mu bifo eby’enjawulo mu ndagabutonde z’obuwuka; munaana mu ORF1ab polyprotein (mu nsp2, nsp3, transmembrane domain, RdRp, helicase, exonuclease, ne endoribonuclease), ssatu mu nucleocapsid protein, n’enkyukakyuka emu emu mu puloteyini zino essatu: Spike, ORF3a, ne ORF8. Ekyo nga kiri awo, enkyukakyuka 36 ezitafaanagana zaazuulibwa mu kitundu kya puloteyini enfunyi ey’ekika kya spike ekiyambako akawuka okuyingira omubiri gw’omuntu (RBD) n’obweyolesi obwa wansi (<1%) mu ndagabutonde zonna, nga muno mwalimu nnya zokka ezaalina obusobozi bw’okuyambako puloteyini ya spike eya SARS-CoV-2 okukwanagana n’ekifunyi ekya ACE2. Bino ebizuuliddwa gattako n’obwawuko mu ndagabutonde ya SARS-CoV-2 biyinza okwoleka nti obutafaanagana na kawuka akaleeta ssennyiga oba akaleeta mukeenenya, aka SARS-CoV-2 kalina enkyukakyuka ya wansi ekifuula omulimu gw’okukola eddagala erigema erituukiridde okuba nga gusobokera ddala.
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    Banyakišiši ba re baerase ya COVID-19 e ka fetoga ka go nanya, ya nolofatša go tšweletšwa ga moento
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Ke nako ye telele go iwa godimo le fase le leuba la COVID-19 go tloga mola le phulegago gona mafelelong a Nofemere 2019 go la Wuhan, China. Go kwešiša le go lemoga phetogo ya ditlhamegotšini ya baerase, diponagalo tša yona go tikologo, le go matlafala ga yona di bohlokwa kudu go laoleng phatlalalo ya bolwetši le kudukudu go tšweletšo ya moento wa lefase ka bophara wo o akaretšago mehuta ka moka ye e phatlalalago. Go ya ka kwešišo ye, re sekasekile ditšenounu tše 30,983 tše di feleletšego tša SARS-CoV-2 go tšwa dinageng tše 79 tše di hwetšwago ka dikontinenteng tše tshela le go di kgobokatša go tloga ka la 24 Disemere 2019, go fihla ka la 13 Mei 2020, go ya ka dathapeisi ya GISAID. Tshekatsheko ya rena e utollotše gore go na le mafelo a 3206 ao go lego mehuta ya malwetši, ao a phatlalatšwago ka tsela ye e swanago ya diphetogo tša ditšini ka ditikologong tše di fapafapanego. Sa go makatša kudu, go lemogilwe ditiragalo tša fase tša diphetogo tša go hlaga kgafetšakgafetša; ke fela diphetogo tše 169 (5.27%) tšeo di bilego le ditiragalo tše di fetago 1% ya ditšenoumu. Le ge go le bjalo, go lemogilwe diphetogo tše lesomenne tša dihotesepote tše di sa swanego (>10%) mafelong a go fapafapana go bapela tšenoumu ya baerase; tše seswai di bile go pholiprotheine ya ORF1ab (go nsp2, nsp3, tomeine ya theransememporeine, RdRp, helicase, exonuclease, le endoribonuclease), tše tharo go phroteine ya nucleocapsid, le e tee go ye nngwe le ye nngwe ya diphrotheine tše tharo: Spike, ORF3a, le ORF8. Go feta fao, go lemogilwe diphetogo tše 36 tše di sa swanego go tomeine ye e kgontšhago dibaerase go šwahlela mmeleng (RBD) ya protheine ya sepaeke ye e nago le tiragalo ya fase (<1%) go kgabaganya ditšenoumu ka moka, tšeo go tšona tše dine fela di ka kaonafatšago go šwahlela ga protheine ya sepaeke ya SARS-CoV-2 go seamogedi sa ACE2 mmeleng wa batho. Dipoelo tše gammogo le pharologantšho ya tšenomiki tša ka gare tša SARS-CoV-2 di ka laetša gore go se swane le baerase ya mpshikela goba dibaerase tša HIV, SARS-CoV-2 e na le kelo ya fase ya phetogo ye e hlolago gore go tšweletšwe moento wo o ka šomago gabotse lefaseng ka bophara.
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    Àwọn oníwádìí sọ pé fáírọ́ọ̀sì COVID-19 lè má tètè yírapadà, èyí tó jẹ́ kí ṣíṣe àjẹ́sára yá
    (2023-10-02) ST Communication
    Àjàkálẹ̀ àrùn COVID-19 ń lọ lọ́wọ́lọ́wọ́ láti ìgbà tó ti bẹ̀rẹ̀ ní ìparí osù Belu ọdún 2019 ní Wuhan, China. Lílo òye àti ṣiṣe àbójútó ìtànkálẹ̀ ìpilẹ̀-ara fáírọ́òsì náà, àwọn àbùdá agbègbè rẹ̀, àti ìdúróṣin rẹ̀ ṣe pàtàkì fún àti ṣe ìsàkóso ìtànkálẹ̀ àrùn náà àti fún ìdàgbàsókè àjẹsára káríayé tó bo gbogbo àwọn iṣan. Láti ìhà yìí, a ṣe àtúpalẹ̀ ìpìlẹ̀-ara 30,983 SARS-CoV-2 láti àwọn orílé-ède 79 tó wà ní oríṣiríṣi kọ́ńtínẹ́ẹ̀tì mẹ́fà tí a sì gbà láti 24 oṣù Ọpẹ́ ọdún 2019, títí dé 13 osù Èbìbí 2020, ní ìbámu pẹ̀lú àkójọ dátà ti GISAID. Àtúpalẹ̀ wa fi ààyè ìyàtọ̀ 3206 hàn, pẹ̀lú ìṣọ̀kan ìfọnká irúfẹ́ ìyípadà ní oríṣiríṣi agbègbè. Pẹ̀lú ìyàlẹ́nu, a ti ṣe àkíyèsí ìgbóhùnsáfẹ́fẹ́ tí ìyípadà lóòrẹ̀kóòrè; ìyípadà 169 péré (5.27%) ní ìtànkálẹ̀ ìpìlẹ̀-ara tí ó tóbi jù pẹ̀lú 1%. Bí ó tilẹ̀ jẹ́ pé, àwọ́n àmúkù mẹ́rìnlá tí kò bára jọ (>10%) ní a ti ṣèdámọ̀ ní àwọn ibi ọ̀tọ̀ọ̀tọ̀ ní ibi ìpìlẹ̀-ara; mẹ́jọ nínú ORF1ab (nínú nsp2, nsp3, àyè awọ, RdRp, ẹ́líkeèsì, ẹksonukílìs àti ẹndoribonukílíìsì), mẹ́ta nínú amúaradàgbà nukilioscásíìdì, àti ọ̀kà nínú purotéènì mẹ́ta:
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    Abacwaningi bathi igciwane le-COVID-19 lingase liguquke kancane, kwenze ukuthuthukiswa komgomo kube lula
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Impathamhlaba i-COVID-19 belulokhu luqhubeka kusukela lwaqala ngasekupheleni kukaNovemba 2019 eWuhan, eChina. Ukuqonda nokuqapha ukuguquguquka kofuzo kwegciwane, izici zalo zendawo, nokuzinza kwalo kubaluleke kakhulu ekulawuleni ukusabalala kwesifo futhi ikakhulukazi ekuthuthukisweni komgomo wendawo yonke ohlanganisa zonke izinhlobo ezibhebhethekayo. Kulo mbono, sihlaziye izinhlobo zofuzo ze-SARS-CoV-2 eziphelele ezingama-30,983 ezivela emazweni angama-79 akumazwekazi ayisithupha futhi saqoqwa kusukela zingama-24 kuZibandlela wezi-2019, kuya kumhla ziyi-13 kuNhlaba wezi-2020, ngokusho kwesizindalwazi se-GISAID. Ukuhlaziya kwethu kuveze ubukhona kwezindawo ezihlukile ze-3206, ezinokusabalalisa okufanayo kwezinhlobo zokuguqulwa kwezakhi ezindaweni ezihlukene. Ngokuphawulekayo, imvamisa ephansi yokuguqulwa kwezinguquko eziphindaphindiwe iye yabonwa; izinguquko eziyi-169 kuphela (5.27%) zande ngo-1% kwama-genomes. Nokho, izindawo eziyishumi nane ezinezinguquko zegciwane kakhulu (<10%) sezikhonjiwe ezindaweni ezingafani ezihambisana ne-genome yegciwane; ayisishiyagalombili ku-ORF1ab polyprotein (ku-nsp2, nsp3, isizinda se-transmembrane, i-RdRp, i-helicase, i-exonuclease, ne-endoribonuclease), ama-nucleocapsid protein, kanye ne-protein ngayinye kwamathathu:
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    Yan ƙasar Yuganda masu ɗauke da cutar HIV da hauhawar jini ba sa samun kulawar da suke buƙata
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Mutane Masu Ɗauke da HIV (PLHIV) masu karɓar maganin rigakafi suna ƙara haɗarin kamuwa da cututtukan zuciya (CVD). An bayar da shawar haɗin ayyukan hauhawar jini (HTN), babban haɗarin da ke kawo Cututtukan Zuciya, a cikin asibitocin HIV a ƙasar Yuganda. Ayyukanmu na baya sun nuna giɓi da yawa a cikin aiwatar da haɗin gwiwar kulawar HTN tare da maganin cutar HIV. A cikin wannan binciken, mun nemi yin la’akari da shingaye da masu gudanarwa na haɗa gwajin HTN da magani zuwa asibitocin HIV a Gabashin ƙasar Yuganda.
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    Bannayuganda abalina HIV ne puleesa tebafuna kufiibwako kwe beetaaga
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Abantu abalina HIV (PLHIV) abali ku ddagala lya mukeenenya balina akatyabaga ka waggulu okufuna obulwadde bw’omutima (CVD). Okutobeka obujjanjabi eri obulwadde bw’entunnunsi (HTN), akatyabaga k’okufuna CVD, mu bulwaliro bwa HIV kyetaagisa mu Uganda. Okunoonyereza kwaffe okwasooka kwalaga emiwaatwa egiwera mu kuteeka mu nkola okutobeka obujjanjabi eri HTN ku kipande ekiriko ebigobererwa mu kujjanjaba HIV. Mu kunoonyereza kuno, twagenderera okuzuula emiziziko n’ebiyambako okutobeka okukebera n’okujjanjaba HTN mu bulwaliro bwa HIV mu Buvanjuba bwa Uganda.
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    Badudi ba Uganda bao ba nago le HIV gammogo le kgatelelo ya madi a magolo ga ba hwetše tlhokomelo yeo ba e hlokago
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Batho ba go phela ka HIV (PLHIV) bao ba amogelago dihlare tša anthiretherobaerale ba kotsing ye kgolo ya go swarwa ke bolwetši bja ditšhikamadi tša pelo (CVD). Go šišinya gore go kopantšhwe ditirelo tša haephathenšene (HTN), e lego motheo o mogolo wa go hlola bolwetši CVD, go ba karolo ya dikliniki tša HIV nageng ya Uganda. Mošomo wa rena wa peleng o laeditše dikgoba tše ntši go kabo ya tlhokomelo ye e kopantšwego ya HTN go sepela mmogo le ditirelo tša kalafo ya HIV. Ka dinyakišišong tše, re lekile go utolla mapheko le dinolofatši tša go kopantšhwa ga tlhohlobo le kalafo ya HTN ka dikliniking tša HIV ka Bohlabela bja Uganda.
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    Àwọn aráàlú Uganda tó ní àrùn kọ̀kòrò HIV àti ẹ̀jẹ̀ ríru ò rí ìtọ́jú tí ó péye gbà
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Àwọn èèyàn tó ń gbé pẹ̀lú HIV (PLHIV) tó sì ń gba ìtọ́jú àìlera antiretroviral ní ewu púpọ̀ tó jẹ mọ́ àrùn ọkàn àti ti ẹ̀jẹ̀ (CVD). Asopọ̀ iṣẹ́ fún ẹ̀jẹ̀ ríru (HTN), èyí tó jẹ́ ewu CVD àkọ́kọ́, sínú àwọn ilé-ìwòsàn HIV tí wọ́n ṣe ìdúró fún ní orílé-èdè Uganda. Iṣẹ́ wa ìṣáájú ṣe àfihàn ọ̀pọ̀lọpọ̀ àlààfo tí a lè lò fi sẹ àmúlò ìsopọ̀ ìtọ́jú HTN pẹ̀lu ọgbọ́ń ìtọ́jú HIV lẹ́sẹẹsẹ. Nínú iṣẹ́ ìwádìí yìí, a wá láti ṣàwárí àwọn ohun ìdènà sí ti àwọn tó wà ní ìdí ìbojúwo ìṣàkóso ìsopọ̀ HTN àti ìtọ́jú sí àwọn ilé ìwòsàn HIV ní Ilà-Oòrùn ilẹ̀ Uganda.
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    Abase-Uganda abane-HIV baphinde babe nephika abalutholi usizo abaludingayo.
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Abantu abaphila ne-HIV (PLHIV) abathola imishanguzo ye-antiretroviral bandise amathuba okuba nesifo senhliziyo nemithambo yegazi (CVD). Ukuhlanganiswa kwezinsizakalo zephika (HTN), ukuyingozi ehamba phambili ekutholeni i-CVD, emitholampilo ye-HIV kuyanconywa e-Uganda. Umsebenzi wethu wangaphambili ubonise izikhala eziningi ekusetshenzisweni kokunakekelwa okudidiyelwe kwe-HTN ekulashweni kwe-HIV. Kulolu cwaningo, sifuna ukuhlola izithiyo kanye nabagqugquzeli bokuhlanganisa ukuhlolwa nokwelashwa kwe-HTN emitholampilo ye-HIV eMpumalanga ne-Uganda.
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    Za a iya amfani da dabarar X-ray maras gani don taswirar ƙananan gaɓoɓin ƙwari
    (2023-10-07) ST Communications; Philipp, L .; Marion, J.; Du Plessis, A.; Tshibalanganda, M.; Terblanche, J.
    Ƙididdige tsarin numfashi na ƙwari da bambance-bambancensu ya kasance ƙalubale saboda ƙanƙantarsu. A nan muna auna yawan maƙogoron ƙwaro ta amfani da ɗaukar hoton X-ray micro-tomography (µCT) (a haske 15 µm) a kan rayayyun tsutsotsin ƙwaron cerambycid Cacosceles newmannii masu girman jiki mabambanta waɗanda aka yi allurar barci. A cikin wannan takarda mun samar da cikakkun bayanai na bayanan samfur da samfurin 3D don ɗaukar hotuna 12, samar da sabon bayani game da maimaitawa na nazarin hoto da bambance-bambancen halayen maƙogoro da aka samar ta hanyoyi daban-daban na rarraba hoto. Ana bayar da bayanan ƙarar a nan tare da sassan maƙogoro da aka raba a zaman ƙirar 3D.
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    Akakodyo k’okutangaaza ne X-ray kasobola okukozesebwa okulaga ebitundu by’ekiwuka ebitinniinya.
    (2023-10-07) ST Communications; Philipp, L .; Marion, J.; Du Plessis, A.; Tshibalanganda, M.; Terblanche, J.
    Okupima ebitundu ebiwuka mwe bissiza n’engeri gye byawuka kikyasoomooza olw’obutinniinya bwabyo. Wano tupima obugazi bw’omuyitiro gw’ekiwuka nga tukozesa X-ray micro-tomography (µCT) okutangaaza (ku bunene bwa 15 µm) enkulungabbi ennamu ensannyalaze okwetooloola obunene bwazo obw’enjawulo. Mu lupapula luno tuwa obubaka bwonna ku bugazi n’ebifaananyi bya 3D ebya sikaani 12, nga tuwa obubaka obupya ku buddiŋŋanyi bw’ebyo ebyekaliriziddwa n’enjawulo mu nkalira z’ekikula ky’omuyitiro ezeeyolekera mu bukodyo bw’okwawuzaamu ekifaananyi obw’enjawulo. Obubaka ku bugazi bulagiddwa wano kw’ossa ebitundu by’omuyitiro ebikutuddwamu nga biri mu bifaananyi bya 3D.
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    Mokgwa wa X-rei ya maekherosekhoupu o ka šomišwa go bona ditho tše nnyanenyane tša dikhunkhwane
    (2023-10-07) ST Communications; Philipp, L .; Marion, J.; Du Plessis, A.; Tshibalanganda, M.; Terblanche, J.
    Go hwetša dipalopalo tša ditho tša go thuša go hema tša dikhunkhwane le pharologantšho ya tšona e sa le tlhobaboroko ka baka la saese ya tšona ye e ka lemogwago ka maekhrosekhoupu. Mo re lekantšha bogolo bja mogolo wa dikhunkhwane go šomišwa sekena sa maekhro-thomokerafi ya X-rei (µCT) (go resolušene ya 15 µm) go sebokwana sa go phela, seo se robaditšwego sa dikhunkhwane tša legoro la Cacosceles newmannii go akaretša mehuta ye e fapafapanego ya bogolo bja mmele. Ka letlakaleng le re abelana ka datha ya bogolo ka botlalo le dimmotlolo tša 3D tša disekene tše 12, tše di abelanago ka datha ye mpsha go pušeletšego ya ditshekatsheko tša go tšea diswantšho le dipharologantšho tša ponagalo ya dibopego tša megolo tše di hwetšwago go mekgwa ye e fapafapanego ya pontšho ya diswantšho ka dikarolokarolo. Datha ya bolumu e fiwa mo ka dibopego tše di arogantšwego tša megolo bjalo ka dimmotlolo tša 3D.