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    Infinitude of Pride p such that ap+b is prime where a, b are coprime integers
    (2019-10-08) Bado
    In 1904, Dickson [6] stated a very important conjecture. Now people call it Dickson’s conjecture. In 1958, Schinzel and Sierpinski [3] generalized Dickson’s conjecture to the higher order integral polynomial case. However, they did not generalize Dickson’s conjecture to the multivariable case. In 2006, Green and Tao [9] considered Dickson’s conjecture in the multivariable case and gave directly a generalized Hardy-Littlewood estimation. But, the precise Dickson’s conjecture in the multivariable case does not seem to have been formulated. In this paper, based on the idea in [8] we introduce an interesting class of prime numbers to solve the dickson conjecture Although this article does not solve the dickson conjecture but it solves a problem that is similar to the Dickson conjecture. the problem is stated as follows being given two coprime integers a, b there is an infinity of prime numbers p such that ap+b is prime. This type of prime numbers we call it Bado-Tiemoko prime numbers .
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    Publishing & the Book in Africa: A Literature Review for 2018
    (2019-10-14) Zell, Hans
    All the records in the four annual literature reviews thus far published are scheduled to be integrated into the online database of Publishing, Books & Reading in Sub-Saharan Africa. Unfortunately, access to the database remains temporarily unavailable. It is currently still in the process of being relaunched by its new host institution, Kwara State University Library in Nigeria (and see also the 2015 press release at http://www.hanszell.co.uk/Site/PDFs/Press%20release.pdf) Due to a number of persistent technical problems relating to metadata mapping and software functionality, as well as ongoing software development and data transfer issues, there have been serious delays in the migration of the database. However, the new hosts hope that remaining problems and issues can now be resolved shortly, and that they will be able to relaunch the database sometime early in 2019 on a more dynamic, Drupal-based open source content management platform. The first batch of updates and over 500 entirely new records will then also be added to the database. Meantime the accompanying collection of books, monograph series, journals, articles, and other documents on publishing and book development in Sub-Saharan Africa, from 1996 to 2014, donated by Hans Zell to Kwara State University Library in 2015 is now accessible at the recipient library. This is a continuation of an earlier collection and archive (for the 1960-1995 period) that was donated to the African Publishers Network/APNET in Harare in 1995. The 1996-2014 collection has now been fully catalogued and records have been created for each item and integrated in KWASU’s Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). A complete listing and inventory of the collection (which includes unpublished and archival material) can be found at http://kwasu.edu.ng/library/pbrssa.html. This page also includes a user guide, and an online form to register for access to and use of the collection. Access is free to any bona fide scholar or researcher from around the globe. For more information about the status of the new database, or access to the physical collection, contact Teslim B. Balogun, Project Director, PB&RSSA, Kwara State University Library, PMB 1530, Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria. Email: teslim.balogun@kwasu.edu.ng
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    eduroam in Africa
    (IST-Africa Institute and IIMC, 2023) Fiore, Silvia; Dekkar, Leila; Aseda, Kennedy
    eduroam is the secure, worldwide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community to address the increasing need for fast and secure Internet connection everywhere. With over 6.4 billion international authentications to date stretching across 106 countries, eduroam is expanding in Africa, where National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) are going beyond the traditional campus connectivity aiming at bridging the digital divide. Uganda, South Africa and Kenya are leading the way and connecting users off campus at bus stops, libraries, cafes, and hospitals. NRENs are at the helm of Africa’s digital transformation and eduroam is a tangible solution to bridging the digital divide. This paper is, therefore, a guidebook detailing the technology behind eduroam, the benefits and the challenges for its four main target groups in Africa: users, institutions, NRENs and municipalities. The call for action is to further deploy eduroam hotspots and provide connectivity everywhere on the continent, including remote areas and unprivileged communities where students, researchers and teachers are present.
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    AfricaConnect3: Connecting Africa to Unlimited possibilities
    (AfricaConnect3, 2021) Dekkar, Leila; Fiore, Silvia
    Despite the availability of infrastructures having significantly progressed over the recent years, tertiary education and research institutions in Africa are still among the least connected in the academic world, a situation that is particularly critical for landlocked countries. In this context, the AfricaConnect3 project strives to establish secure, adequate, and affordable network infrastructures and offers dedicated services to African National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), as well as builds adequate human resource capacities and expertise within the community and raises the awareness of the role of digital transformation for research and education (R&E). This paper aims to present the achievements and impact of AfricaConnect3 on African R&E communities, as well as advocating for NRENs, by detailing the activities implemented and services offered to R&E institutions in Africa. Finally, this paper addresses the need for NRENs to be better represented in the African digital landscape and understood as part of the solution.
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    Making the World a Better Place to Live: African Research and Education Networks’ Contributions to the UN SDGs
    (AfricaConnect3, 2023-05) Bowa, Harold; Amponsah, Effah; Al-Kouz, Yasmeen; Fiore, Silvia
    In September 2015, 193 countries came together at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and agreed on a blueprint to create a better and more sustainable world. They adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as ‘an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership’1, designed to be realised by 2030. Since then, governments and non-governmental organisations alike have aligned their activities with the SDGs as a roadmap to making their impact on the development of the global society and also realise global relevance. This alignment has reaped benefits for both the global society and these governments and organisations, which include an increase in global influence and the ability to attract funding from the UN and other global funding organisations. Research and Education Networks (RENs) in Africa, both national (NRENs) and regional (RRENs) have also been contributing their best efforts to the achievement of the SDGs by helping to tackle urgent social issues and thereby creating value in several fields, including education, health, agriculture, gender equality, economic growth, and innovation. Unfortunately, this contribution has been largely, underreported. This paper seeks to contribute to remedying the situation by sharing evidence of the contribution to Africa and enhancing the visibility of the work done so far by the RENs.