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    Ecosystem-Based Adaptation and Indigenous Solutions for Climate Change in Kenya and Africa
    (2025-02-05) Dinah Awino; Nancy Nyambura
    This blog series explores the critical role of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) and Indigenous Knowledge Systems in addressing climate change across Kenya and Africa. Through four insightful blogs, we delve into EbA principles, highlight the deep-rooted wisdom of Indigenous communities in shaping sustainable adaptation strategies, and examine the synergy between EbA and biodiversity conservation. The series also showcases community-led initiatives, emphasizing the power of local engagement in fostering climate resilience. By weaving together scientific approaches and traditional ecological knowledge, this series aims to inform, inspire, and advocate for nature-based solutions tailored to Africa’s unique environmental and socio-cultural landscape.
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    How inclusive are smallholder farmers’ access to Digital Agricultural Platforms? Lessons from the EzyAgric Digital Platform in Uganda
    (not published yet, 2024) Ajambo, Susan
    This study investigates the barriers to accessing digital agricultural platforms in Uganda, focusing on EzyAgric. Using a cross-sectional qualitative design, we analysed 29 scripts from focus groups, interviews, and key informants. The Rapid Inclusivity Assessment tool identified proto-personas at risk of digital exclusion, while the Digital Divide Framework provided a theoretical basis. Three main personas emerged: tech-savvy youth (low-risk), middle-income farmers (medium-risk), and older subsistence farmers (high-risk). Key barriers include financial constraints, limited digital literacy, a lack of trust, and cultural norms. Women face additional challenges, such as financial dependency and time constraints, while elderly farmers struggle with unfamiliarity with and preference for traditional methods. Recommendations include improving the infrastructure, providing targeted digital literacy training, designing user-friendly interfaces, building trust, and considering cultural norms. The study emphasises holistic, intersectional approaches and public-private partnerships to promote equitable access to digital agricultural platforms.
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    Letter to supervisor
    (2024-12-07) Rutazibwa, Privat
    In this ‘Letter to supervisor’, including a workshop presentation of an overview of his doctoral research project (appendix 1) and a letter to the Minister of State at the German Federal Foreign Office (appendix 2), the author shows the extent to which some in academia and foreign policy in Germany oppose resistance and hostility to the research findings indicating that it is the racist and genocidal ideology of colonial inspiration and neocolonial instrumentalization which is responsible for most episodes of post-independence violence and instability in the Great Lakes region of Africa, as well as the root cause of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda from 1959 to 1994 and currently in the Democratic Republic of Congo. All of his doctoral research is carried out using a decolonial and interpretivist approach which allows him to display his positionality, to express judgments and sometimes his indignation, but always with respect and rigor with regard to the best standards of research and above all, with ethics. Because the subject affects the lives and the future of more than 14 million individuals currently living in Rwanda, and others several times more numerous in other countries in the Great Lakes region. The ultimate objective of his research is therefore neither an academic exercise disguising a bad ideology, nor the pursuit of a career, and even less doing business through research. Although his research project is still a work in progress, the author considered it useful to share his thoughts at this stage with those who are usually interested in the Great Lakes region and the debate on how to address the colonial past. Any comments, observations, documents or new information related to the research topic are therefore welcome at privat.rutazibwa@hu-berlin.de.
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    Holistic, effective and innovative: Insights from the collaborative Yizani Sifunde early literacy project
    (Liberty Community Trust, Wordworks, Book Dash and Nal'ibali, 2024) Huston, Katie
    The infographic is a 4-page summary of the multi-pronged early literacy project called Yizani Sifunde, and the impact it has had, based on the results of an independent evaluation. The project was a collaboration of five South African NGOs and implemented between 2021 and 2023 in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. The infographic starts by explaining the problem that the project was trying to address and the multi-pronged project that was designed in response to it, loosely inspired by the "triple cocktail for education" developed for foundation phase classes in South Africa (training, resources and support/modelling). However, being designed for 4-5 year-olds, the project design went beyond a mere classroom intervention to include intervention elements targeting the homes, caregivers, and the broader community. The document then summarises findings from internal monitoring and external evaluation, revealing remarkable learning gains on the ELOM (Early Learning Outcomes Measure) for the participating children, that go far beyond the expected child maturation. These learning gains are particularly remarkable for children who were identified as vulnerable at baseline. The document then goes on to describe the shifts that were observed in the participating ECD centres (using qualitative observations and ECERS results) as well as in the homes and communities. Finally, the document highlights elements that have contributed to the project's success, namely the mechanisms of the collaboration and the supportive attitude of the funder.
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    Factors Impacting HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Uptake and Coverage Among At-Risk Populations in West Africa: A Scoping Review
    (2024-11-14) Cudjoe , Julius; Atatsi , Wisdom Kwabla
    Introduction: Various PrEP projects and studies have been centered in Western Africa, as a result of high incidence of HIV in recent times, which explore various facets needed to be looked at in improving PrEP uptake and coverage particularly among high-risk populations, a key measure in helping to fight the HIV pandemic. Objectives: This scoping review explores available evidence, outlining the factors and affecting HIV PrEP uptake and coverage among vulnerable and key populations in West Africa. Methodology: This study adopted Arksey and O'Malley's (2005) scoping review framework for conducting the scoping review. A search was conducted on four digital databases – Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Google Scholar - from January 2013 to December 2023. The PRISMA flow diagram was utilized and data were analyzed through thematic content analysis, following the socio-ecological model. Results: Thirty-seven studies were included in this review that met the eligibility criteria. 24 of these studies were conducted among MSM and 12 were conducted among FSW. 12 and 10 of the 37 studies reported on PrEP awareness and knowledge respectively. Awareness as reported by these studies was generally low among high-risk populations, however, 17 of the 37 studies reported high willingness and intention to take up PrEP following its introduction and education. From the study, facilitating factors that helped increase the uptake and usage of PrEP in the study were individual facilitators such as perception of high risk, having a good understanding of PrEP and HIV interpersonal factors such as peer education and support, and environmental factors like convenient access to PrEP and services tailored for at-risk populations. Barriers to PrEP included personal obstacles like money issues and socioeconomic uncertainties, as well as social barriers like stigma and the belief that taking PrEP means having HIV, and environmental barriers logistical constraints in providing services, stigma, and lack of healthcare setting motivation. Conclusion: PrEP as a preventive tool holds much promise in the fight against HIV, however, high- risk populations in West Africa for whom PrEP is mainly intended for still demonstrate low level of awareness and knowledge with various barriers to its use accounting for this. Therefore, in order to encourage facilitators and address barriers to PrEP uptake and usage, it is necessary to expand PrEP sensitization programs and tailor PrEP delivery services.
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    ብኣምሓርኛ ፣ ትግርኛን ኦሮምኛን፣ ንዊኪፔድያ ኣብ ምብርካት ዘጋጥማ ብድሆታት ምርዳእ
    (2024) Nigatu, Hellina Hailu; Canny, John; Achame, Berhane; Chasins, Sarah
    ንዊኪፔድያ ኣበርከቲ ዝኾኑ ሰባት ዝገጥሞም ብድሆታት ንምርዳእ፣ ብዙሕ መረዳእታ ኣብዘይብለን ቋንቋታት፣ ብመንፅር በዝሒ፣ ዓይነትን ዝምድናን፣ (1) ካብ መድረኻት ምይይጥ ዊኪፔድያ ሓበሬታ ዝተንተናሉ፣ (2)14 ተሳተፍቲ ብቋንቋታት ትግርኛ፣ ኦሮምኛ ወይ ከኣ ኣምሓርኛ ዓንቀፃት ክፅሕፉ ዝፈተኑሉ ብምርኣይ መፅናዕቲ ኣካይድና። ብመሰረት ውፅኢት እቲ መፅናዕትና፣ ንኹሉ ዝሓውስ ቴክኖሎጂታት ቋንቋ ንምስራሕ ለበዋታት ነቕርብ። ኣብዚ ፅሑፍ እዚ፣ ኣብ ታሕቲ ክርከብ ዝኽእል፣ ናብ ሕትመት ካብዝበቕዐ ናይ ውፀኢትና ጥሙር ሓሳብ ነቕርብ።
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    Understanding Challenges in Contributing to Wikipedia in Amharic, Tigrinya, and Afan Oromo.
    (2024) Nigatu, Hellina Hailu; Canny, John; Chasins, Sarah
    Online Knowledge Repositories (OKRs) like Wikipedia offer communities a way to share and preserve information about themselves and their ways of living. However, for communities with low-resourced languages—including most African communities—the quality and volume of content available are often inadequate. One reason for this lack of adequate content could be that many OKRs embody Western ways of knowledge preservation and sharing, requiring many low-resourced language communities to adapt to new interactions. To understand the challenges faced by low-resourced language contributors on the popular OKR Wikipedia, we conducted (1) a thematic analysis of Wikipedia forum discussions and (2) a contextual inquiry study with 14 novice contributors. We focused on three Ethiopian languages: Afan Oromo, Amharic, and Tigrinya. Our analysis revealed several recurring themes; for example, contributors struggle to find resources to corroborate their articles in low-resourced languages, and language technology support, like translation systems and spellcheck, result in several errors that waste contributors’ time. We hope our study will support designers in making online knowledge repositories accessible to low-resourced language speakers.
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    በአማርኛ በትግርኛ እና በኦሮምኛ ቋንቋዎች ለዊኪፔድያ፣ አስተዋፅኦ በማድረግ ሂደት የሚያጋጥሙ ችግሮችን ስለመረዳት
    (2024) Nigatu, Hellina Hailu; Canny, John; Chasins, Sarah; Yasin, Hailu Nigatu
    ብዙ መረጃ በሌላቸው ቋንቋዎች ለዊክፒዲያ አስተዋጽኦ የሚያደርጉ ሰዎች የሚያጋጥሟቸውን ችግሮች ለመረዳት በዊኪፒዲያ መድረክ ውይይት የተደረገባቸውን መረጃዎች ለመተንተን የሚያስችለንን ጥናት አድርገናል፣ በትግርኛ ወይም በኦሮምኛ ወይም በአማርኛ ለመጻፍ የሞከሩ 14 ተሳታፊዎች አግኝተን አነጋግረናል፡፡ በዚህ ሁኔታ ባገኘነው ውጤት ላይ ተመስርተን አካታች የሆኑ ቴክኒዮሎጂዎችን ለመገንባት የሚያግዙ የዲዛይን ምክረ ሀሳቦችን በዚህ ፅሁፍ በተካተተ የግኝት መግለጫ አቅርበናል፡፡
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    (2024) Canny, John ; Chasins, Sarah ; Nigatu, Hellina Hailu; Sheleme, Ayantu
    Qormaata gumaachitootni Wiikiipiidiyaa afaanota odeeffannoo baay’ee hin qabneen mudatan hubachuuf qorannoo gaggeessineen, qorannoo (1) marii waltajjii Wiikiipiidiyaa irraa ragaa xiinxallee (2) hirmaattonni 14 barruu Afaan Tigrii, Afaan oromo ykn Amaariffaan barreessuuf yaaluu isaanii ilaalle. Argannoo keenya irratti hundaa’uun teeknooloojiiwwan afaanii hunda hammate ijaaruuf yaada dizaayinii ni kennina. Barreeffama kana keessatti argannoowwan maxxansa keenya irraa argaman kanneen asitti argamuu danda’an gabaabsinee dhiyeessina.
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    الكروت التعريفية للعقارب و الثعابين السودانية
    (Toxic Organisms Research Centre, Faculty of Science, University of Khartoum, 2024-08) Baleela, Rania
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    Register and Become a Local Network Lead at Your Institution!
    (2024-02-02) Ezeike, Ebuka
    Registration for AREN'S Local Network Lead training program
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    Mitchells Plain, a Documentary by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Information, Republic of South Africa (1980). Transcript and Screenshots
    (2022-11-02) Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Information, Republic of South Africa
    Mitchells Plain, 1980, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Information (17:48 minutes) Director/Cameraman: Steve Theunissen Production Manager: Ria Coetzer Editor: Alastair Henderson Script and producer: Sakkie Van der Walt The archival material here presented, namely documentary film stills from the documentary cited above and its complete transcript, are the property of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) of South Africa. GCIS has granted the publisher Africae and Ludmilla Ommundsen Pessoa, author, permission to use and reproduce this material, which is also included in this book: Ommundsen Pessoa, Ludmilla. 2023. Welcome to Mitchell’s Plain : Filming a ‘Model Township’ during Apartheid. Nairobi, Johannesburg, Paris : Africae. https://doi.org/10.4000/books.africae.3939. Here is the long-term storage of the documents cited in this book for reuse for research purposes
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    The Nandi County Political Code of Conduct
    (2012-04-01) Nandi Kaburwo Council of Elders
    In April 2012, more than a year before Kenya’s 2013 elections, the Nandi Kaburwo Council of Elders in Nandi Hills undertook the original task of writing the Nandi County Political Code of Conduct (NCPCC). Throughout Kenya, the pre-election period was characterized by a significant involvement of councils of elders in spreading messages of peace and promoting “good leadership”, unlike 2007 when these councils played an active role in mobilizing Kenyans to take part in the post-electoral violence. Printed as an 8-page booklet, the NCPCC was targeting local candidates, their supporters and political parties. It displayed regulations aimed to contribute to the “transformation of Nandi County” into a prosperous place, an “island of new politics, free of political madness.” Inspired from the role models of the Kenyan “Goodwill Ambassadors” for peace put in place in 2012, and based on oral narratives about iconic pre-colonial Nandi leaders—such as Kimnyolei and Koitalel Samoei—, this code of conduct brings to light cultural, social, economic and political dynamics mobilized by a wide range of actors (NGO, elders, candidates, entrepreneurs) during electoral times.
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    Inventory of John Blower's Papers. Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA) Library, Addis Ababa (Ethiopa)
    (2022-05-13) Rigaldès, Pia; Blanc, Guillaume
    John Blower was the first advisor of the Ethiopian Wildlife Organisation between 1965 and 1970. This new Ethiopian administration has been established after the Emperor Hailé Selassié requested assistance from UNESCO about wildlife issues. Graduated at the Edinburgh University, John Blower had several African wildlife experiences before joining Ethiopia in 1965: he has been game ranger in Tanganyiaga, in Kenya and chief game warden in Uganda. As advisor of the wildlife organisation in Ethiopia, he took part during five years in the creation of the first national parks in Ehiopia in 1969: the Awash, Semien and Omo parks. All the documents which are present in this collection are directly or indirectly the result of John Blower’s activities in this administration.
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    Rentolog Electric Water Technology
    (2022-07-30) Ojugbani, Onyeka
    When electricity passes through the system, the electron in the system becomes unstable. sodium ion is highly electronegative. The electron in sodium will pass through aluminium foil but gets trapped in the silicon and elephant grass electrolyte. Grass absorbs photon light from the sun in the process of photosynthesis, but in this way, the grass will store the electrons from electricity as photoelectric also silicon is a good conductor for electricity, therefore electrons can feel comfortable in that region. Similarly, zinc will tend to sacrifice its electron because it is a highly active metal. but it will also be trapped in the electrolyte. Also, fibre grass will block the electron from going out of the system until when it is needed. After it is successfully charged, you can connect your phone, and the electron stored in the electrolyte will charge them.