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    Fakani abalimi besifazane uma kuthuthukiswa futhi kuhlolwa ummbila omelana nesomiso
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Abesifazane badlala indima ebonakalo kwezolimo nasekuphepheni kokudla. Nokho, ukubandakanyeka kwabesifazane ekuhlolweni kwasemapulazini kobuchwepheshe bezolimo kuphansi. Kulolu cwaningo, ulwazi luqoqwe ngohlu lwemibuzo ehlelwe kahle yanikwa abesifazane abangabalimi abawu-80 ohlelweni lwasemapulazini lokubheka ummbila okwazi ukumelana nesomiso(DT) eNingizimu neSavannah yaseGini(SGS) indawo ebekelwe ezolimo eNayjeriya. Ucwaningo luveze ukuthi bonke abalimi besifazane bashadile, u-23% wabo awuyanga esikoleni nokuthi iminyaka yabo ihamba ko-43. Abalimi besifazane babeke loluhlobo lommbila (DT) njengoluyikhethelo kuzo zonke izindawo. Ngkho ke, kuyalwa ukuthi abalimi besifazane kumele babe yingxenye yokuthuthukiswa nokuhlolwa kobuchwepheshe bezolimo ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuphepha kokudla kube nokukhula kahle ngokusimama emikhiqizweni yezolimo.
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    Intsha yaseNingizimu Afrika ene-HIV nesibalo samasosha e-CD4 aphansi isengcupheni yokuthola umdlavuza.
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Sifake abaneminyaka ewu-15 kuya ku-24 abavela ocwaningweni lwe-South African HIV Cancer Match, iqoqo elikhulu elivela ekuxhumaneni kwezilinganiso ezivela kumalaborethri ahambisana ne-HIV avela e-National Health Laboratory Services namarekhodi ase-National Cancer Registry(Inqolobane yomdlavuza). Siqoqele ndawonye ukuvela kwemidlavuza ejwayelekile. Sihlolisise ukuhlangana phakathi kwalemidlavuza nocansi, iminyaka, unyaka, nesibalo samasosha e-CD4 ngamamodeli e-Cox nama-adjusted hazard ratios (aHR).
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    Abacwaningi bathi igciwane le-COVID-19 lingase liguquke kancane, kwenze ukuthuthukiswa komgomo kube lula
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Impathamhlaba i-COVID-19 belulokhu luqhubeka kusukela lwaqala ngasekupheleni kukaNovemba 2019 eWuhan, eChina. Ukuqonda nokuqapha ukuguquguquka kofuzo kwegciwane, izici zalo zendawo, nokuzinza kwalo kubaluleke kakhulu ekulawuleni ukusabalala kwesifo futhi ikakhulukazi ekuthuthukisweni komgomo wendawo yonke ohlanganisa zonke izinhlobo ezibhebhethekayo. Kulo mbono, sihlaziye izinhlobo zofuzo ze-SARS-CoV-2 eziphelele ezingama-30,983 ezivela emazweni angama-79 akumazwekazi ayisithupha futhi saqoqwa kusukela zingama-24 kuZibandlela wezi-2019, kuya kumhla ziyi-13 kuNhlaba wezi-2020, ngokusho kwesizindalwazi se-GISAID. Ukuhlaziya kwethu kuveze ubukhona kwezindawo ezihlukile ze-3206, ezinokusabalalisa okufanayo kwezinhlobo zokuguqulwa kwezakhi ezindaweni ezihlukene. Ngokuphawulekayo, imvamisa ephansi yokuguqulwa kwezinguquko eziphindaphindiwe iye yabonwa; izinguquko eziyi-169 kuphela (5.27%) zande ngo-1% kwama-genomes. Nokho, izindawo eziyishumi nane ezinezinguquko zegciwane kakhulu (<10%) sezikhonjiwe ezindaweni ezingafani ezihambisana ne-genome yegciwane; ayisishiyagalombili ku-ORF1ab polyprotein (ku-nsp2, nsp3, isizinda se-transmembrane, i-RdRp, i-helicase, i-exonuclease, ne-endoribonuclease), ama-nucleocapsid protein, kanye ne-protein ngayinye kwamathathu:
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    Abase-Uganda abane-HIV baphinde babe nephika abalutholi usizo abaludingayo.
    (2023-10-02) ST Communications
    Abantu abaphila ne-HIV (PLHIV) abathola imishanguzo ye-antiretroviral bandise amathuba okuba nesifo senhliziyo nemithambo yegazi (CVD). Ukuhlanganiswa kwezinsizakalo zephika (HTN), ukuyingozi ehamba phambili ekutholeni i-CVD, emitholampilo ye-HIV kuyanconywa e-Uganda. Umsebenzi wethu wangaphambili ubonise izikhala eziningi ekusetshenzisweni kokunakekelwa okudidiyelwe kwe-HTN ekulashweni kwe-HIV. Kulolu cwaningo, sifuna ukuhlola izithiyo kanye nabagqugquzeli bokuhlanganisa ukuhlolwa nokwelashwa kwe-HTN emitholampilo ye-HIV eMpumalanga ne-Uganda.
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    A Case Based Account Of Bantu Iav-Focus
    (2019-08-13) Selvanathan, Naga
    Right dislocation (Cheng & Downing 2012) and movement to a low FocP (van der Wal 2006) are competing analyses of Immediately-After-Verb (IAV) focus. In this paper, I discuss novel Lubukusu IAV focus data which shows that 1) IAV focus requires movement to a low FP and that 2) IAV focus is not a purely focus related phenomenon. Adopting Baker & Collins (2006) analysis of Linkers, I propose that movement to a low FP for focus interpretation is a strategy of case assignment to DPs within the VP. This analysis is shown to be superior to a purely right dislocation analysis as it can also better account for IAV focus asymmetries between Zulu and Lubukusu.
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    Overt Subjects And Agreement In Zulu Infinitives
    (2022-03-29) Halpert, Claire
    This paper explores a surprising interaction of agreement and concord inside infinitive clauses in Zulu. In Zulu, as in many Bantu languages, infinitive verbs are marked with noun class 15/17 morphology. Internal arguments of infinitives are typically unmarked, while the external argument must receive so-called associative morphology and must precede internal arguments. I argue that the external argument in these constructions is realized in Spec,vP, a finding that has a number of consequences for our understanding of clause structure and agreement in Zulu and related languages.
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    Examining the bilingual phonological processing and reader profiles for (non)readers of three consistent orthographies: evidence from South Africa
    (2023-07-30) Schaefer, Maxine; Wilsenach, Carien
    Background: Developmental delays in phonological awareness (PA) and rapid autotomized naming (RAN) contribute to reading difficulties, even in consistent orthographies. In South Africa, evidence suggests that these skills correlate with reading in African languages. However, the extent to which PA and RAN contribute to different reading profiles is not known and little information exists about whether reading profiles are similar across South African languages. Objectives: This longitudinal study examined the phonological processing and reader profiles of isiXhosa, isiZulu and Northern Sotho speaking children at two points in time to determine whether consistent profiles emerged. Method: 59 isiXhosa- and 58 isiZulu-speaking children (analysed as one Nguni group) and 131 Northern-Sotho speaking children were assessed at different points in the foundation phase. Children completed a battery of tests assessing PA, RAN, word reading accuracy, and text reading fluency in their first language and English. Results: Latent profile analysis revealed four profiles found in each group and time point: reader, developing reader, delayed PA and double deficit. These groups differed clearly in terms of PA and RAN. Conclusion: The findings support the universality of PA and RAN for (bilingual) reading and support the need for explicit and systematic phonics instruction for reading development.