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    In the era of big data, the need to balance efficient data processing with robust privacy safeguards has become increasingly critical. This paper explores Hybrid Neural Network Models as a promising solution for privacy-preserving data processing. By integrating the strengths of traditional neural architectures (such as Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks) with privacy-enhancing technologies like differential privacy, federated learning, and homomorphic encryption, hybrid models can achieve high performance without compromising sensitive information. We discuss architectural designs that optimize both data utility and privacy protection, focusing on adaptive learning mechanisms that minimize data exposure during training and inference. Experimental evaluations across diverse datasets demonstrate that these models maintain competitive accuracy while significantly reducing privacy risks. This research highlights the potential of hybrid neural networks to enable secure, scalable, and efficient data processing in privacy-sensitive domains such as healthcare, finance, and IoT.
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    Effectiveness of Road Safety Education in Reducing Teenage Traffic Accidents: A Systematic Review
    (2024-12-18) Francis Walugembe; Cua Ngoc Le; Hien Thi Nguyen; Sanhawat Chaiwong
    Background: This systematic review examined the impact of road safety education (RSE) on reducing teenage traffic accidents and injuries in Southeast Asia on the basis of the literature. We evaluated the effectiveness of road safety education programs, contextual and cultural adaptations, the integration of practical training, implementation challenges, and the long-term impacts on teenage behavior. Materials and Methods: The study followed the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). This involved counting the number of studies showing a positive, negative, or no effect. A search of the articles in the electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar was conducted. The effectiveness of RSE was assessed by vote counting, tallying the number of studies showing positive, neutral, or negative impacts on teenage driving behaviour among those aged 13–19 years. A total of seventeen studies were selected for inclusion on the basis of predefined criteria. Results: When a systematic review was conducted, 17 key studies were identified for inclusion, reflecting diverse methodologies and focus areas. Research has shown that teenagers benefit significantly from receiving both theoretical knowledge and practical training. This comprehensive approach enhances their confidence and skills in adhering to traffic safety laws. Moreover, the involvement of parents and communities emerges as a vital factor for the success of educational initiatives. Conclusion: This study emphasizes the paramount importance of prioritizing long-term behavioural change and sustainability in road safety initiatives, particularly in teenagers. It advocates for a comprehensive approach involving community and parental engagement alongside educational programs. The findings emphasize the necessity for policymakers in Southeast Asia to allocate funding to culturally sensitive and standardized RSE programs, integrating practical training and long-term reinforcement strategies.
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    Factors Influencing Voluntary Enrollment in National Health Insurance Funds among Market Vendors: A Case of Mwanza, Tanzania
    (2024-12-18) Mushi Laurell; Saronga Happiness; Temesgen Anjulo Ageru; Hien Thi Nguyen; Sanhawat Chaiwong; Francis Walugembe
    The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) recently developed new affordable packages aimed at attracting enrolment of new clients into the health insurance scheme, however, NHIF still faces low enrollment of clients primarily from the informal sector. This study aims to understand the factors affecting the uptake of voluntary NHIF in the informal sector, focusing on how demographic factors, socioeconomic status, level of awareness, and perceived quality of health care affect the uptake of voluntary NHIF in the informal sector. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine factors influencing voluntary uptake of NHIF among market vendors in Mwanza. Method: The study design was cross-sectional descriptive to establish factors associated with the uptake of NHIF in the informal sector. The factors explored were socio-demographic, economic, NHIF awareness and perception of health care quality. Data were collected using structured questionnaires. The respondents were from two municipal city markets in Mwanza. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 26.0 software. Descriptive analysis was performed for the background characteristics of respondents, awareness, and perception. Chi-square was used to determine factors associated with NHIF uptake. Results Data were collected from 323 market vendors from two municipal markets of Mwanza. Main source of income, perception, and awareness were positively associated with NHIF enrollment. The odds of enrolling in NHIF among respondents with low NHIF awareness were 92% lower than among respondents with high NHIF awareness. The odds of enrolling in NHIF among respondents with negative perceptions on the quality of health care services was 83% lower than among respondents with positive perceptions. Conclusion: NHIF uptake among market vendors in Mwanza City was still low. The study reports that source of income, poor awareness of the fund by the respondents, and negative perceptions with regard to quality of health care negatively affect enrollment in NHIF. The study recommends using information, education, and communication strategies to raise awareness of NHIF and create demand for insurance in the informal sector. Moreover, a review of the affordability of NHIF packages in relation to the income earned by the majority in the informal sector is important to attract enrollment.
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    Building a Modern Arabic School Dictionary: Leveraging Existing Resources to Fulfill Educational Objectives
    (المؤتمر الدولي العاشر للغة العربية، دبي, 2024-10-11) Bouhadjera, Abdelmalek
    الملخص: في العصر الرقمي، شَهِدَ تطوّر الموارد اللغوية تقدّمًا كبيرًا، لا سيما في مجال صناعة المعاجم. ومع انتشار التكنولوجيا، هنالك طلب متزايد على الحلول المُبتكَرة لتلبية الاحتياجات اللغوية المتنوعة. أحد هذه المساعي هو إنشاء قواميس مُصَمَّمة خصّيصًا للمبتدئين، تهدف إلى تعزيز مهاراتهم اللغوية وتسهيل التعلُّم بطريقة جذّابة. في هذا المقال، نستكشف عملية بناء قاموس مدرسي إلكتروني باستخدام وسائل تكنلوجية متطوِّرة ومعايير حديثة. لقد تمّ تسليط الضوء على المشاكل التي تعاني منها القواميس الإلكترونية العربية الحالية وتم اقتراح حلول للكثير من التحديات التي تواجه اللغة العربية، مع تقديم طريقة لكيفية ترتيب المداخل وتصميم الواجهة الرئيسية للمعجم الإلكتروني. الكلمات المفتاحية: قاموس مدرسي، صناعة معجمية، سكاتش إنجن، معيار LMF، لسانيات حاسوبية، لغة عربية Abstract In the digital age, there has been great progress in the development of linguistic resources, especially in the field of lexicography. With the spread of technology, there is an increasing demand for innovative solutions to meet diverse language needs. One such endeavor is to create dictionaries specifically designed for beginners, aiming to enhance their language skills and facilitate learning in an engaging way. In this article, we explore the process of building an electronic school dictionary using advanced technologies and modern standards. The problems facing current Arabic electronic dictionaries have been highlighted, and solutions have been proposed for many of the challenges facing the Arabic language, while presenting a method for arranging the entries and designing the main interface of the electronic dictionary. Keywords: School Dictionary, Lexicography, Sketch Engine, LMF Standard, Computational linguistics, Arabic Language
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    Coverage and Predictors of Enrollment in the State-Supported Health Insurance Schemes in Nigeria: A Quantitative Multi-Site Study
    (2024-12-10) Effiong Fortune Benjamin; Dine Roseline Dzekem; Hassan Ibrahim Adebayo; Olawuyi Dimeji Abdulsobur; Isong Idongesit Kokoabasi; Adewole David Ayobami
    Background: In efforts to advance universal healthcare coverage (UHC) in Nigeria, the federal government empowered sub-national entities such as states to develop and implement their respective state-supported health insurance schemes (SSHIS). This study assessed the coverage and predictors of enrollment in the SSHIS in six Nigerian states. Methods: This study used a quantitative cross-sectional design. Respondents were recruited across six Nigerian states with operational SSHIS, corresponding to the country's six geopolitical zones. These include the Cross River, Enugu, Oyo, Kwara, Sokoto, and Taraba states, representing the South-South, South-East, South-West, North-Central, North-West, and North-East zones respectively. Data were collected from community members in congregate settings such as markets, churches/mosques, schools, bus stations/parks, and healthcare facilities. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were conducted using SPSS version 25. Results: The number of study respondents was 3732. The greater majority of the respondents were self-employed 1855(49.7%) and were living with an average monthly income of <10,000 naira 1175(31.5%). Coverage of the state health insurance was highest in the North-Central Kwara State 326(37.3%), but lowest in the South-Eastern Enugu State 6(1%). Among beneficiaries, overall satisfaction with the scheme was highest in Oyo State 73(77.7%), but lowest in Cross River State 16(32.7%). After adjusting for confounders, several covariates were identified as decreasing the odds of enrolling into the schemes; however, lack of awareness about the scheme was most significant across all the six states. Conclusion: Low coverage due to poor awareness, financial barriers, and enrollee dissatisfaction currently affect the SSHIS in Nigeria. To improve enrollment and sustainability, nationwide educational campaigns and consolidation of health insurance schemes are recommended.
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    Administrative Perspectives on the Implementation and Sustainability of State-Supported Health Insurance Schemes in Nigeria: A Descriptive Qualitative Study
    (2024-12-10) Effiong Fortune Benjamin; Hassan Ibrahim Adebayo; Dine Roseline Dzekem; Olawuyi Dimeji Abdulsobur; Adewole David Ayobami
    Background: Since the state-supported health insurance schemes (SSHIS) began in Nigeria, perspectives of implementers and other administrative actors have been under-documented in the program evaluations. Bridging this information gap is crucial to addressing the challenges impeding the scheme's impact. Therefore, this study investigated the administrative stakeholders' perspective on the implementation and sustainability of the SSHIS in Nigeria. Methods: This study adopted a descriptive qualitative design. Participants were state actors, public and private healthcare providers, and ward committee members purposely selected from six states with a functional SSHIS, representing Nigeria's six geo-political zones. The states included Cross River (South-South), Enugu (South-East), Oyo (Southwest), Kwara (North-Central), Sokoto (Northwest) and Taraba (Northeast) states. 30 key informant interviews (KII) were conducted among these stakeholders exploring the design, successes, challenges, and personal recommendations relating to the SSHIS operation in their states. Data analysis was performed using NVIVO version 11. Results: Across the states, the SSHIS design was adaptive covering formal, informal, and low-income vulnerable groups. Reported impact of the scheme related to improved state health indices, infrastructure, access equity, and funding systems. Challenges threatening the coverage and sustainability of the SSHIS included low public awareness and buy-in and other governmental (processes and payments), economic (funding and costs), manpower, and environmental (insecurity and facility inaccessibility) factors to which possible corrective measures were suggested. Conclusion: Administrators offer critical policy action points to enhance SSHIS impact in Nigeria towards universal health coverage. Future studies may investigate the key challenges and the effectiveness of the suggested solutions.
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    When it is available, will you pay for it? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Willingness to Pay (WTP) for Malaria Vaccines in Africa
    (2024-12-10) Effiong Fortune Benjamin; Hassan Ibrahim Adebayo; Ekpor Emmanuel; Olawuyi Dimeji Abdulsobur; Araoye Jeremiah Babatunde; Dine Roseline Dzekem; Asori Moses
    Background: Malaria vaccination holds significant potentials for combating malaria in Africa and its implementation is underway in many endemic countries. However, the economic climate on the continent raises concerns around sustainable financing for the program. Yet, evidence of the willingness to pay (WTP) for the vaccines by Africans in a cost-based provision model is unclear. Therefore, this systematic review and meta-analysis aims to summarize the available evidence of the WTP for the malaria vaccines in Africa. Methods: We conducted a systematic search for relevant literatures in databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and CENTRAL following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines and our inclusion criteria. The primary outcome measures included the WTP proportion, prices, and determinants for any malaria vaccine reported in any African country since the year 2000. We applied the DerSimonian-Laird random-effects meta-analysis for effect estimation, with the pooled results presented alongside 95% confidence intervals (CI) calculated using the Clopper-Pearson method. Results: Of the 1,398 literature screened, 8 studies reporting WTP data for 6102 adults and primary caregivers from 6 African countries were included in the final analysis. The pooled proportion of the WTP was 85.9% (95% CI: 76.0–92.1), with significant heterogeneity (I2 = 98%, p < 0.01). However, the average prices participants were willing to pay varied across countries. The WTP prices ranged from approximately $1 in Sierra Leone to $8.03 in Nigeria for adults, and from $0.69 in Sierra Leone to $26.90 in Ethiopia for children. The review identified a host of sociodemographic, vaccine-related, and situational factors influencing African adults and caregivers WTP for the malaria vaccines. Participants' levels of income (ability to pay) and education were frequently reported determinants of WTP. Conclusion: There is a shortage of studies on the WTP for malaria vaccines in Africa. We found a seemingly high WTP level for the malaria vaccines in Africa, delimited by income and educational levels across households and countries. African health policymakers should consider their local realities to deliver an equitable yet sustainable malaria vaccination program. Keywords: vaccines; willingness to pay (WTP); malaria; meta-analysis
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    Application of Data Analytics in Process Prediction, Analysis, Management & Visualization Using Microsoft Power BI
    (2024-11-07) Chukwu Christian Onyemaechi
    This research explores the application of data analytics, specifically Microsoft Power BI, to optimize processes within the chemical and manufacturing industries. By analyzing large volumes of production data from a PVC (polyvinyl chloride) manufacturing plant, it aimed to identify trends, anomalies, and opportunities for improvement. The study involved collecting, cleaning, and transforming production data, including process temperature, flow rate, torque, tool wear, energy consumption, and failure types. This data was then loaded into Power BI, where it was analyzed and visualized to gain insights into the manufacturing process. Through data-driven analysis, critical relationships between process variables and product quality were identified. For instance, it was observed that variations in voltage and temperature can significantly impact product quality and energy consumption. By monitoring these variables and making timely adjustments, it is possible to optimize production processes, reduce energy costs, and minimize product defects. The findings of this research demonstrate the potential of data analytics to revolutionize industrial processes. By leveraging the power of Power BI, organizations can harness the value of their data to achieve significant improvements in efficiency, productivity, and overall performance.
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    COVID-19 information seeking: a survey of residents of Chilinde and Chinsapo Townships in Malawi
    (South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science (SAJLIS), 2024-05-13) Wella, Kondwani; Mtambo, Jim; Lazaro, Matthews
    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak spread anxiety among the general public, which was exacerbated by an excessive amount of misleading information. This study investigated the behaviour of Chilinde and Chinsapo residents in seeking COVID-19 information. The study used a quantitative research approach, whereby a modified Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) questionnaire was used to collect data from 627 participants. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise the characteristics of the study participants and the sources and types of COVID-19 information used. Most of the participants (71.3%, n=447) reported that they had looked for information about COVID-19 from different sources. Doctors and healthcare providers were the main sources of information on COVID-19. There were 58.1% (n=364) of participants who indicated that they were extremely worried about getting infected with COVID-19. It was further found that there was limited use of online platforms to access COVID-19 information. Multiple logistic regression results showed that male respondents had a higher chance of having online access to COVID-19 information than their female counterparts. Chilinde participants were more likely to have online access, unlike those residing in Chinsapo. This study recommends raising awareness to the masses regarding the use of reputable online sources in crisis situations in the future.
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    Integrating UAS for 3D Terrain Mapping and Autonomous Navigation: A Review of Multi-Camera and Reinforcement Learning
    (N\A, 2024-24) Baston, George
    This paper explores the integration of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for 3D terrain mapping and autonomous navigation, emphasizing the fusion of advanced technologies such as multi-camera setups and reinforcement learning (RL). As UAS applications expand across sectors like urban planning, disaster management, agriculture, and environmental conservation, the need for sophisticated mapping techniques and autonomous navigation systems grows. UAS equipped with high-performance sensors can create detailed three-dimensional terrain models, facilitating real-time data analysis for critical applications. Furthermore, RL enhances UAS autonomy by enabling the learning of optimal navigation strategies through environmental interaction. This study addresses key challenges, including ethical concerns, regulatory frameworks, and the reliability of autonomous systems, while highlighting future directions in algorithm development, sensor integration, traffic management, and real-world testing to ensure the effective implementation of UAS technology in various industries.
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    Optimizing Visual Navigation and 3D Reconstruction in Unmapped Environments Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Multi-Camera Systems: A Comprehensive Review
    (Not applicable, 2024-10-17) Baston, George
    This comprehensive review examines advanced methodologies for optimizing visual navigation and 3D reconstruction in unmapped environments using deep reinforcement learning and multi-camera systems. The focus is on addressing the challenges faced in dynamic and unpredictable contexts, particularly through the integration of deep reinforcement learning techniques and multi-camera systems. As advancements in these technologies proliferate, their potential impact across industries such as robotics, autonomous vehicles, and telepresence is significant. The review summarizes the evolution of 3D reconstruction techniques, the application of deep reinforcement learning in navigation strategies, and the importance of multi-camera systems in creating comprehensive spatial representations, thereby providing a theoretical foundation and practical guidance for achieving efficient autonomous navigation and environmental mapping.
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    Promoting Preprint Awareness and Adoption in Africa: A Need-Driven Perspective From the African Region
    (2024) Ezechukwu, Oluchukwu Ifeyinwa; Ogunniyi, Tolulope; Dine , Roseline Dzekem
    Introduction Over the years, preprint has grown, especially since its impact contribution during the health emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is gradually drawing the interest of funders. However, the embrace of preprint varies across different regions, with the rate of acceptability and use of preprint by researchers also leading to hesitance and resistance to submit research articles to the preprint server; hence, this is attributed to the concerns surrounding the integrity and validity of preprint articles. This study assesses the awareness, adoption, and promotion of preprints in Africa. Method This study employed a descriptive cross-sectional study design carried out among African researchers. The data were collected using an online-based, semi-structured questionnaire assessing the awareness of preprint, institutional uptake, and promotion in Africa. However, the study also assesses their opinion on the promotion of preprint and its credibility in the African research community. The qualitative data was analyzed for themes using Microsoft Excel Package, and the quantitative data were analyzed for descriptive and chi-square using SPSS version 26.0. Results Among participants, 64% were aware of preprints, 40% reported institutional promotion, and 62% recognized their relevance to institutional roles. However, 53% cited limited recognition of preprints within the scientific community. Desired benefits from preprint clubs included research funding support (83%), open peer review (82%), and access to shared opportunities (79%). No significant associations were found between participants' country, research domain, education level, or institutional role and preprint awareness, or promotion or perceived role of preprint in Africa. Participants recommended educational workshops, partnerships with academic institutions, targeted online campaigns, and localized resources to enhance preprint adoption and foster an open science ecosystem across Africa. Conclusion Preprint adoption in Africa requires addressing awareness gaps, institutional recognition, and community acceptance. Collaboration efforts, including educational initiatives, partnerships, and localized outreach, are crucial to fostering an ecosystem that supports preprints and advances open science practices.
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    Microbial Biofilms in the African Plastisphere Implications for Freshwater Ecosystems and Contaminant Degradation
    (2024-10-26) Xu, Lei; Hong, Ziming
    Microbial biofilms on plastic debris, collectively known as the plastisphere, play a dual role in Africa’s freshwater ecosystems. These biofilms contribute to nutrient cycling and contaminant degradation, yet they also serve as potential vectors for pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes. Plastic waste in aquatic systems disrupts microbial communities, raising concerns over water quality and ecosystem health. Biofilm adaptability enhances pollutant breakdown, particularly for heavy metals and organic contaminants, while simultaneously increasing environmental contamination risks. This study emphasizes the need for further research to manage biofilm interactions with plastic pollution, addressing critical ecological challenges in Africa's freshwater environments.
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    Petition for the dissolution of the United Nations and the prosecution of certain personalities and their associates for the crime of genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    (2024-10-21) Rutazibwa, Privat
    The main message of this unusually long 124-page petition is found in the nine "Recommended actions to world leaders" in section two of the document. They include, among others, that 'Congolese President Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo be apprehended and tried for the crime of genocide', and 'to disband the United Nations for its military support of a genocidal regime and militias in DRC'. This is a petition from a single individual. Its strength does not lie in a multitude of signatures, but in in-depth research, precise references and deliberately long quotations. Indeed, we believe that the world leaders it is addressing do not have the time to read the archives or conduct in-depth research on the conflict in eastern DRC. Moreover, the two reports of the ”Group of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and other Forms of Wealth in the Democratic Republic of Congo” created by the UN in 2000; the “Report of the Mapping Exercise documenting the most serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed within the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo between March 1993 and June 2003” released in August 2010; as well as the 41 reports produced between July 2004 and June 2024 by the “UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo” established by resolution 1533 (2004) of 12 March 2004 have not provided world leaders with credible information on the subject. Instead, they clearly embraced and promoted the conspiracy theories of racist anti-Tutsi ideology, as this petition shows. The activism linked to this racist ideology even pushed at least two of the former coordinators of this UN Group of Experts (GoE) to take part in the conspiracy which aimed to 'weaken the CNDP role and influence in the army', pushing for the creation of the rebellion of the M23. A report from this UN GoE had already complained about ‘the expanding and disproportionate power that ex-CNDP commanders and units held within the FARDC-led Amani Leo operations for the Kivus’. One of the actions recommended by this petition aims to prosecute these UN experts and their accomplices 'who sparked the conflict in eastern DRC in 2012 and who continue to fuel it with their false and racist narrative'. The author of this petition is a researcher; not an activist. In 1990, he was ordained as a Catholic priest of the diocese of Goma in North Kivu in the DRC by Pope John Paul II in Kabgayi in Rwanda. In 1992, he renounced the priesthood and joined the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) in the maquis of Byumba, in northern Rwanda, where the movement had launched its liberation struggle two years earlier. He obtained his laicization from Pope Francis in 2017. Since 1993, he has researched, published and spoken in the media about Rwanda and the African Great Lakes region, mainly to denounce and combat the racist and genocidal ideology responsible for violence and instability. Thanks to a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), he has been conducting research at Humboldt University since 2022 on colonial racialism and its consequences in Rwanda and the Great Lakes region of Africa. The images of extreme violence in the first subsection of this petition are not clashes between rival African tribes as presented by Western media and so-called researchers. They are the consequence of this ideology coming from the West and implemented in a radical way in Rwanda - before spreading to the entire region - by the Belgian colonial administration and the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), during the first genocide against the Tutsi from 1959 as this is shown by unpublished documents cited in this petition. Denouncing this genocidal ideology and showing support for the political organizations that fight it like the RPF in Rwanda in the 1990s and the M23 today in the DRC is not showing partiality. It is a service of truth and righteousness consistent with faith in Jesus Christ. Claiming neutrality or defending the status quo, whether out of conviction, fear, interest, intellectual laziness or indifference, amounts to condoning the crime. The author applies a decolonial and interpretivist approach which allows him to carry out rigorous research, with his positionality.
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    Understanding the Impacts of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) over the Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) (2013-2023)
    (Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 2024-05-30) Muhammad Amjad Raza; Dr. Abdul Basit Khan
    To fulfil her ever-growing commercial and economic needs, the 21st century China is undertaking multiple assignments and involved in several mega developmental projects across the globe nevertheless the South Asia, Central Asia and African Union (AU) have been enjoying primary importance in this regard and have attracted billions of dollars during the term of current Chinese President Xi Jinping. Keeping the preceding fact in view, the instant study focuses on the engagements of China with the member states of AU to understand the nature and scope of various projects being undertaken to increase the regional and intercontinental connectivity aligned with Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) and the Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) during 2013-2023 across five African geographical regions. By qualitatively evaluating relevant academic literature, project reports, and financial documents, it finds that China and the AU are mutually engaged in infrastructure development, establishing trade routes along with economic zones to promote industrialization and ensure economic growth. It establishes that substantial Chinese investment in the length and breadth of AU has contributed to regional integration and social prosperity whereas China, in return, has secured a deep-rooted as well as long-lasting penetration into the region which, for centuries, had commonly been dubbed as the dark continent.
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    Role of China in Improving the Regional Connectivity and Economic Development in African Union through Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa-Priority Action Plan 1 (PIDA-PAP 1) (2012-2020)
    (Remittances Review, 2024-07-22) Muhammad Amjad Raza; Dr. Abdul Basit Khan
    The Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) is an initiative of the African Union (AU) Commission taken in collaboration with other AU institutions. The NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA), the United Nations Economic Commission (UNEC) for Africa, and the African Development Bank (AfDB) partnered with the program. PIDA aims to expedite infrastructure development in Africa and overcome the challenges of regional connectivity. It is divided into two Priority Action Plans (PAP) i.e. 'PIDA-PAP1' and 'PIDA-PAP2'. The PIDA-PAP1 (2012-2020) is a strategic framework which ensures fast-track implementation of various projects to address developmental and integrative issues faced by the AU member states which are chiefly related to energy, transboundary water, transportation, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sectors. The current study reviews the nature and quantum of Chinese engagements with AU under the PIDA initiative for continental integration by particularly focussing on PAP 1 Program. It qualitatively analyses the relevant literature including official reports and financial documents to critically understand the extensive nature of Chinese involvement in these projects and finds that China is quite keenly involved within the member states of AU to develop inter- and intra-regional connectivity which is apparently intended and would ultimately be helpful to fulfil her own growing economic needs. The study would be helpful for the scholars, researchers from academia as well as policy-makers and think-tanks working on the China-AU economic relations.
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    A Glimpse of China-African Union Economic Relations during 21st Century
    (Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 2024-07-23) Muhammad Amjad Raza; Dr. Abdul Basit Khan
    The ever-prospering China-African Union (AU) economic relations are the outcome of their long-term interaction. The dawn of 21st century marked a significant boost in this relationship with the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). Chinese Presidents Hu Jin Tao (2003-2013) and President Xi Jinping (2013- ) preferred to follow a multilateral approach towards African continent and interacted with AU through inter-regional organizations which policy radically transformed the level of Chinese penetration into the continent. The Agenda 2063 of AU has also been designed to maximize the benefits from China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) of 2013. As a consequence of integrated efforts from China and the AU for the economic development of the continent, the collective economy of Africa had reached at a magnificent amount of $3 trillion in 2023. In this scenario, the current study, while reviewing policy documents and available literature, explores the nature of China's enhanced cooperation with Africa through regional and multilateral organizations such as the AU, FOCAC and NEPAD. It elucidates how China and AU had committed and cooperated in pursuit of the mantra 'build an even stronger community with a shared future'. Applying an explanatory and descriptive approach, the study concludes that China's extensive engagement with the AU to promote infrastructure development and connectivity has profoundly impacted African economic growth. Finally, it goes without saying that the analytics, assessments and outcomes of the study would help future researchers, academia and experts working on China’s economic engagements with the AU to rationally understand the impact of these relations.
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    Socio-Economic Development through Regional Organizations: A Study of the Implementation of Agenda 2063 by the African Union (AU) in Collaboration with China
    (Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 2024-08-04) Muhammad Amjad Raza; Dr. Abdul Basit Khan
    The African Union (AU) unveiled Agenda 2063 in 2013 which is a strategic framework that sets sights on wide-ranging growth, international collaborations and sustainable development, with a special focus on infrastructure development. While aligning the objectives of the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) with those of Agenda 2063, China has also emerged as a key stakeholder in the economic wellbeing of the African continent. The instant study explores the evolving role and status of the AU with special reference to its collaboration with China in terms of socio-economic development of the continent by examining key areas of this partnership with respect to the implementation of Agenda 2063, the impact of these interactions on Africa's development, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of the parties involved. By analysing the AU's strategies and initiatives in engaging with China, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play in this crucial partnership and the potential pathways for enhancing Africa's global standing through effective regional diplomacy and cooperation. It qualitatively analyses the official reports, statements, literature and public records and finds that the AU has proved quite influential and successful forum for the transformation of this “hopeless continent” into a hopeful region for its inhabitants, nevertheless, this vigilance and activism shuld be kept alive until the attainment of all the desired goals.
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    Integrative Synergies between BRI of China and Agenda 2063 of African Union: Reviewing the Policy Documents and Analyzing the Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa-Priority Action Plan 2 (PIDA-PAP 2) (2021-2030)
    (Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 2024-06-27) Muhmmad Amjad Raza; Dr. Abdul Basit Khan
    This study analyzes the diverse and burgeoning relationship between China and the African Union (AU) which has significant global implications. The primary focus of the study is to explore Chinese policy commitments, competitive dynamics, capacity-building plug-ins as well as measures taken for the development of infrastructure under Priority Action Plan 2 (PAP 2) which is a landmark initiative of Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) to develop hydroelectric power, railways, roads, ports and information and communications technology (ICT) sectors. Furthermore, the study reviews the interconnection between the AU’s African Integrated High-Speed Railway Network (AIHSRN) Project as a case-study of China’s endeavors for the development of railways within the AU member countries. This assessment propounds an understanding of the importance of infrastructure and logistics to form collaborations, boost connectivity, and promote African economic development. The study uses a qualitative method of reasoning to investigate the basis and impact of Chinese interest and involvement within the AU. It provides the relevant researchers, experts from academia and policy makers a deep insight into the true nature of Chinese engagement within the AU which makes this study a significant addition to the currently existing literature about China-AU economic relations.
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    Integrated diagnosis at the primary care level in Africa's low- and middle-income countries: What is it, what works, and for whom? A Realist Synthesis
    (Ubiquity Press, 2024-09-12) Gwaza, Gamuchirai; Pluddemann, Annette; McCall, Marcy; Heneghan, Carl
    Introduction Integrated diagnosis can improve health outcomes and patient experiences through early diagnosis and identification of cases that could otherwise be overlooked. While existing studies showcase the feasibility of integrated diagnosis across diverse conditions, a critical research gap exists regarding the conclusive link between integrated diagnosis at the primary care level and improvements in patient experiences and health outcomes. This review examines the conceptualizations of integrated diagnosis by various actors along the healthcare pathway in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and explores the necessary contexts and mechanisms crucial for its effectiveness. Methods This study adopts a realist methodology to comprehensively investigate integrated diagnosis. Employing a systematic approach, the research aims to collect, review, and synthesize existing evidence on integrated diagnosis, leveraging a program theory developed through literature review and expert discussions. Primary studies and reviews on integrated diagnosis, multi-disease testing, or integrated healthcare with a diagnostic component were sourced from key databases and global health organization websites. The collected evidence was used to build, refute, and test the evolving theoretical framework. Results This study identifies three models of integrated diagnosis interventions: individual/human resource integration, facility or mobile-based integration, and technology integration. The successful implementation of these models relies on an understanding of the values and perceptions of both healthcare workers and patients. This research emphasizes a holistic approach, considering all elements within the health system. Emphasizing a holistic methodology, the research underscores the interdependence of various elements within the health system. By framing contextual factors using the WHO health systems framework, the study positions diagnosis as an integral component of a broader health ecosystem. A key result of the research is the imperative to comprehensively address issues affecting integrated diagnosis interventions. This encompasses considerations such as policy frameworks, diagnostic tools, funding mechanisms, treatment pathways, and human resource management. To improve patient experiences, there is need to cultivate positive relationships with healthcare workers. This involves ensuring elements like respect, confidentiality, accessibility, and timeliness of services are considered. Despite integrated structures, there are potential challenges like increased waiting times that may impact patient uptake of integrated services. Discussion and Conclusion The diverse conceptualisations of integrated diagnosis highlight the necessity for clear definitions of each intervention, which is pivotal for the transfer of lessons, program comparisons, and effective measurement of results across different contexts. The success of integrated diagnosis is not a one-size-fits-all scenario; local contexts must guide decisions regarding the approach, conditions, and timing of integration to ensure sustainable outcomes. The review findings indicate that integrated diagnosis may be suitable at the primary care level in LMICs under specific circumstances. Successful implementation hinges on addressing both HCWs and patient perspectives, necessitating adequate time, resources, and a well-defined intervention model.