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    Re-usable Survey Tools and Data for Advancing Open Science
    (2021-01-15) Mboa Nkoudou, Thomas Hervé; van der Walt, Anelda; Bezuidenhout, Louise
    Re-usable Survey Tools and Data for Advancing Open Science
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    DEI QuickTips Infograph
    (2021-09-30) El-Gebali, Sara
    A practical guide with tips and advice on creating safe, inclusive spaces with intersectionality in mind. For more information, please visit https://www.opencider.org/
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    Ethiopian Archives Of Nature: Photographs
    (2022-05-13) Blanc, Guillaume
    01. Hiking trail between Sankaber and Gich, Simien, 2013. 02. The material shaping of nature: Village of Gich, Simien Mountains, September 2013 and January 2019. 03. An archival collection in the environmental history of Ethiopia: EWCA warehouse, Lideta district, July 2016; EWCA offices, Yobek district, April 2021. (Photographs by Guillaume Blanc [2016] and Kidanemariam Woldegiorgis Ayalew [2021]). 04. The “John Blower” collection: “JB” binders, Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority Library, Addis Ababa, 2016.